What is Jetty Fishing? If you have ever been interested in fishing then you must come across the term ‘jetty fishing’ quite a few times in your life. For a layman fishing is simply a process of catching your fish with a rod, however, it’s more than that. In this article, we are going to cover the much-loved art of fishing. Yes, we are talking about jetty fishing. First off, let’s get to know what exactly is jetty fishing?
Jetty Fishing: A Small Introduction
Jetty is basically a word dedicated to docks and piers. So basically, these are artificial reefs but attractive enough to draw fishermen from different levels of expertise. If we talk about the literal meaning of the word jetty, it translates to a dock or rock.
Now coming towards jetty fishing. We understand you are wondering what exactly it is. No worries, let’s get to it!
Jetty fishing is when the fishermen head over to a rocky surface or a pier to exercise their art of catching fish. The calmness and simplicity of the jetty are what attracts the fisherman the most.
We hope that’s enough introduction of jetty fishing. Let’s move on to the next part of the article now. So now we are going to talk about jetty fishing as in how to do it for beginners, what are some tips, and maybe a little more about it. [acf field=”faq_schema”]
Jetty Fishing for Beginners
For budding fishermen, jetty fishing is quite a good start since it’s relatively easier to manage. You can move on to catch the big fish once you have mastered the art of fishing at piers. Read below to know some interesting and helpful tips about jetty fishing if you are a beginner.
- Fishing with hand lines is the best idea when it comes to jetty fishing. Hand-lines are something you can use for larger species as well. If done correctly, you can catch plenty of fish in a very short span of time. Using hand-lines can be so easy that you can literally spend hours luring and catching fish.
- Remember to pick the right rod. Not all rods work for all fishing settings. Some work best for oceans and some are specifically designed to catch fish from piers, docks, etc. Rods are available in two materials that include fiberglass and graphite. Experts recommend fiberglass because of its resilience. They don’t break down very easily even when you accidentally drop them while picking big fish. Above all, remember to keep the budget in mind when you are off to buy a fishing rod.
- The normal fishing line generally works great for jetty fishing. To be more specific, 1000-2500 series reels are quite appropriate for the regular fish you are going to catch.
Tools Required for Jetty Fishing
You never know when you might need scissors. There are so many tiny things where a pair of scissors come to the rescue.
Pliers are no less than a life-saver when you are out fishing. Long-nose pliers will help you remove hooks inside the mouth. It saves you from a very big struggle to be very honest!
Hoop Net
Hoop nets are relatively easier to handle especially if you are new to the world of fishing.
Fish Grips
Who wants to get attacked, bitten, etc by the fish? Of course, no one does. Fish grips help you handle the fish very carefully. In other words, fish grips are excellent for your safety when you catch the fish.
Types of Fish you can Catch:
Fishing can be a fun and exciting activity, whether you’re fishing in a river, the ocean, or a lake. There are many different types of fish that you can catch, depending on where you are fishing. Some of the most common types of fish that people catch include trout, salmon, bass, catfish, and walleye. Each type of fish has its own unique characteristics and habits, so it’s important to do some research before you go fishing to figure out what kinds of fish are in the area where you plan to fish.
How to Cast Your Line:
Fishing is a popular pastime for many people. Whether you’re fishing for sport or for food, there are some basic things you need to know in order to cast your line. In this article, we’ll teach you the basics of casting your line so that you can get started fishing today.
Conclusion: Where to Find the Fish
Jetty fishing is a great way to get started with fishing. It is a simple, easy and fun way to get out on the water and catch some fish. You can use any type of rod and reel to do jetty fishing, but a good pair of tackle will make the experience even more enjoyable. Jetty fishing is also a great way to teach kids how to fish.