How Long is Fishing Line Good For? A fishing line refers to a wire/cord generally used for the purpose of angling when you go fishing. Needless to say, it is among the most important things in this field without which you definitely cannot practice fishing.
Experts believe that it is super necessary for the fishing line to be of good quality to make the most out of your fishing trip. A lot of fishermen have this question if they can use the same fishing line for months and years to come.
The concern is definitely valid because who wants to keep buying the same stuff over and over again just because it is prone to damage? So here we are to address this question and answer everything related to it that’s popping in your mind currently. [acf field=”faq_schema”]
Fishing Line Durability
The durability of a fishing line depends on many factors including the brand, quality, and how well you maintain it. They say if you take care of things like it’s your child then it’s going to last you many years.
Now let’s be more specific about the durability of a fishing line. So, there are three types of fishing lines and all of them have different life spans. These three include Monofilament, Fluorocarbon, and Braided.
A monofilament line is where there is only one strand of line that is continuous. This type of line has a low shelf life especially if you do not care for it well enough. This is one reason why many fishermen do not prefer this. After all, everyone wants to buy stuff that wouldn’t expire so quickly.
Fluorocarbon is said to be stronger than monofilament. 4 times stronger, to be more exact. However, that is also subjected to how nicely you care for it.
Coming towards braided, it is said to be the most long-lasting fishing line. If cared for well, it will last you a lifetime and honestly, what’s better than that? Many fishermen either have the braided line for main use or have it as a backup at all times due to its magical durability.
If you are wondering whether there’s a fixed time for their expiry or something along these lines then no that’s not the case. There is no hard and fast rule regarding it. It’s just that if you give it good care as previously mentioned then you are probably going to have it for long periods.
You need to be extra vigilant in extreme conditions such as very cold or hot seasons. Fishing lines are more prone to damage under harsh weather conditions.
Fishing Line Test
There is this thing called a fishing line test. It is carried out to know if you should continue using your current fishing line. Here’s how you can do it.
- Tie one end of the line with any fixed object around.
- Take out 20-30 feet of your line and pull it.
- If it doesn’t break with the force then it’s good to use, otherwise, you have got to dispose of it.
Make sure to do this test with caution because one wrong move can be harmful.
Also, do not store the fishing line if you go out fishing only on an occasional basis. Keep performing line tests before going fishing so that you know if it’s working fine or not.
That’s all! Hope you have a fun and safe fishing trip.